The purpose of the foundation Performing Arts Hub Norway (PAHN) is to be a national competence centre, promoting professional performing arts at a national and international level, with emphasis on independent performing arts.

Through close contact with the Norwegian art field, and the international field of performing arts, Performing Arts Hub Norway creates new networks and opportunities for mobility, while opening and developing new international markets for Norwegian performing arts. This is done through long-term strategies, close local partnerships and flexible support programmes for artists and the field.

Performing Arts Hub Norway is one of seven partners within the network Norwegian Arts Abroad.

Performing Arts Hub Norway manages Sceneweb, a national database for archiving material on all professional Norwegian performing arts.


  1. Facilitate export of performing arts, co-productions, collaboration, and exchange, and to contribute to international promotion of Norwegian performing arts, with emphasis on independent performing arts.

  2. Strengthen the support system for performing artists and companies' international activity, through building competence and supporting launches and producers.

  3. Document, digitise, archive, preserve and convey Norwegian performing arts inheritance, including independent performing arts, private, national, and regional performing arts institutions.

  4. Contribute to increased competence and professionalisation of enterprises within independent performing arts, based on needs within the field of performing arts.

  5. Contribute to effective development of structure, increased knowledge of and understanding for the field of performing arts, as an artistic field and a professional sector.


Performing arts are live arts taking place in different spaces, as a facilitated social and communal experience. It connects the specific artistic experience that takes place there and then, with different international performing arts communities and markets, as well as different culturally, sociologically, and economically based audiences. There is no physical product for sale within performing arts, but human encounters there and then. The value of each performance is always more than the performance in itself.

Further, Performing Arts Hub Norway sees performing arts as part of the national and international construction of democracy, closely connected to freedom of expression. This is linked to the Norwegian constitution's §100, and the national state's duty to secure public expression according to The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 19, granting everyone the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and article 27, granting everyone the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts, and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Further, that everyone has the right to protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary, or artistic work of which he or she is the author.

Simulacrum by winter guests / Alan Lucien Øyen – Photo Martin Flack